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Saturday 11 August 2012

I've decided!

Ive decided that i won't be posting on this blog but will be keeping it up! 

Saturday 4 August 2012

Deleting Blog..

I am deleting this blog because i don't seem to post alot and no one really seems to read it when i post anyway.. So thanks for everyone who followed this blog! You can check out my main blog at 

Saturday 23 June 2012



Yay New Follower!!!

I came back from vacation and saw i got a new follower!! The user is Heartblaze! Thanks! 

Wednesday 13 June 2012

New Story Blog Winner!!

So, i finally decided that i was going to take Mimi's idea with the Reese's cup story with Tiggerkat featuring in it. Good Thinking mimi see me to get your bronze bar! The story will come out toward the end of the month because i am going on vacation June 16-June 23 So maybe around the 25-30 the story will come out!


Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Friday 11 May 2012

New Story Coming Soon..

So you guys liked the first story i did, and i have been getting recomended to write stories, but here's the thing i don't know what to write about! So hit me with idea's guys! The idea that gets picked will recieve a bronze bar from Epic Wonders! This will end next Saturday!

Happy Thinking!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Contest Winner!

Well, the winner is... Tiggerkat!!!! Well sadly Tiggerkat was the only one who signed up.. It was pretty disappointing.. But i really want to thank Tiggerkat because Tiggerkat is a HUGE support to my blog. I always love reading her comments which are so nice.. Keep it up Tiggerkat! You rock! Your Prize is... A silver brick from Epic Wonders! Find me on AJ to claim your prize!! Also... -Hands BIGGEST reese's in world- 

Saturday 21 April 2012

New Contest!!

This contest is going to test your knowledge! And pretty random too... It's not really something you have to look for, you just have to use your mind to think.. It is a luck game.. Here it is.. You guys have to try to guess how many den items and clothing items i have ALL TOGETHER! Whoever comes to the closest answer wins! It starts from the moment you read this,you can guess twice and ONLY twice.. Whoever tries more then twice is disqulified.. The prize will be a mystery... But trust me its something good :D You have till April 29th to take two guesses... GOOD LUCK! 


Sunday 15 April 2012

Riddle Winner!

So, last week i put up a post saying i was going to have a contest to see who gives me the best riddle/joke. The winner is...... Tiggerkat!!! I loved the joke What's full of holes but still holds water? And the answer was a sponge! I also said there was going to be a mystery prize that prize is.. Candy Cane Lights,and a cup. Congrats!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Another New Follower!

Yay!!! I'm so happy!!! Were up to 14 followers now!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!! Love you guys!

Thursday 12 April 2012

New Follower!!

I got a new follower today!! YAY :D 13 followers now!!!! Whee hee!! Keep it up guys!

Saturday 7 April 2012


So i am going to have a contest! This contest is who can give me the best joke/riddle, and you must include the answer in the comments box, i will pick the joke/riddle i like best! This ends on Saturday April,14 2012. The winner will recieve a mystery prize.... GOOD LUCK!

Saturday 31 March 2012

Riddle Winner!

This is for the riddle i gave you Tuesday.... The winner is .................. Ryleigh121212!!!!
The answer was ''he wrote down your exact weight'' Find me on AJ and claim your prize!!! Thanks for all the entries!! New riddle coming soon!!!!! Congrats Ryleigh

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Hey Guys! So on this post i am going to give you a riddle, You have till Friday to guess what the answer is, you can only guess once or you will be disqualified and you cannot change your answer only one guess! If anyone happens to get the answer correct you will receive a Grave for Members, and Pink Member wings, i know its not much but i want to see how it goes first, Good Luck! The winner will be announced March 31st! 

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, ''If I write you exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if i cannot, i will pay you $50.'' 

The boy looked around and saw no scale, so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll say just say he weighs more or less. 

In the end the boy ended up paying $50. How did the man win the bet?

Wednesday 21 March 2012

New Idea

So ive decided to do this, I'm going to give a hard riddle every week and you have a week and one chance to figure it out. If someone has the correct answer they will get a cool prize.

Starts Friday,March 23

Thursday 8 March 2012


Hi! So i had the idea of giving a riddle and giving you guys 3 or 4 days to try to figure it out. Do you think i should do this idea? If not, What idea's do you think would be good?

Friday 2 March 2012

Acronym for Mimi


Here you go mimi! Hope you liked it!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Acronym of tiggerkat


Here ya go tiggerkat! Hope you like it! If you would like me to do you comment your username or name. Thanks Bye!

Acronym of Jenni


If you would like me to do you comment below your username or name. Hope you liked this Jenni!

Acronym of Ryleigh


If you would like me to do you comment below ur name! or username

Acronym of Tiffany


So that was a acronym on my name, Tiffany. If you would like me to do one of your name then leave a comment of what name you want me to use your animal jam username or your real name.

Monday 20 February 2012

New Title!

As you may have noticed my new title or haven't! The awesome person who made this title is.... GREATSHOT! Thanks AGAIN! 

Check out her blog Animal Jam Flock!


Chapter 12 :) The End.

 ''Mom!'' Happy exclaimed. ''What is it honey?'' ''I GOT A LETTER FROM TWINKLE!!'' ''How nice what does it say?'' ''It says.. Dear Happy, I miss you alot, I moved into a apartment in New York I go to a new school called Eagle Middle across the street from my apartment I made some new friends and there and there really nice. But don't worry no one in this world could ever replace you. I'll talk to you later! Love,Twinkle.'' I said beaming. ''Thats nice of her, why don't you write a letter back to her?'' ''Okay!'' I got out our best construction paper and started writing.. Dear Twinkle, I miss you so much and I'm glad that you think no one can ever replace me it was touching to hear that my mom says if I'm good this summer i can visit you!! School isn't even close to as fun without you, I hope we can webcam this weekend, Thanks again for the awesome letter I'll savor it forever. Talk to you soon. Your Friend, Happy.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Chapter 11 :)

''I can't believe Twinkle's leaving tomorrow.'' I wailed to mom. ''Well honey we are all going to miss her but theres nothing we can do about it.'' She answered sadly. ''I want to go over to Twinkle's house mom. May I?'' I asked politely. ''Happy honey you know we have dinner at 6:00 and its 5:54 no you may not go at this time, you can go over tomorrow.'' She said with a sigh. I didn't have the appetite to eat dinner i just poked my spagetti with my fork, So i just asked to be excused and went up to my room. Not to be suprised but i kept waking up every so often to see if it was morning. -Next Morning- I woke up by sounds coming from outside, I looked out the window and saw that Twinkle and her mom and dad were putting everything into the moving truck ready to go to New York. I fumbled out of bed and quickly changed my clothes and brushed my hair and teeth and then bolted through the doors. I saw Twinkle and ran to her with my arms spread out wide and gave her a BIG hug. I told her that even though we were far away we would still be best friends and to call me everyday after school. And video chat on the weekends. And she agreed and slowly drove away in the moving truck. And there i stood alone in the driveway watching them go in moving truck. 

Stay Tuned for Chapter 12 :) (Last Chapter of the story)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Chapter 10 :)

 The next day i woke up really early i was super exited to go to school and then afterschool i could give Twinkle the scrapbook! And also help her pack. This was going to be the best day ever i just can't wait to see her reaction. I saw Twinkle putting books into her locker and i ran up to her. ''Hi!'' I said. ''Hey!'' Twinkle answered back. ''I can't wait to go to your house afterschool today, i also have a suprise for you.'' ''And what would this suprise be?'' she asked. ''Your just going to have to wait.'' ''It's time for English class let's go before were late.'' I finally say. ''Okay.'' The day seemed to last forever until lunch time when we had 1 more hour of school left! I beamed with exitment inside. -DING- Finally i say to myself. I saw Twinkle already standing outside waiting for me and first we headed towards my house. I ran up to my room and she followed. ''Here.'' I handed her the scrapbook. She just stared at it for a second. did she like it? i thought to myself. When she started crying tears of joy. ''Thank You!'' She bursted out. ''Your Welcome.'' ''Lets go to your house now.'' ''Okay.'' And the day was great.

Stay Tuned for Chapter 11 :)

Saturday 4 February 2012

Chapter 9 :)

 The first thing I did was get pictures of me and Twinkle, I took the best pictures from all the years we have known each other I came up with 98 photo's, I put them onto the spot i was going to place them in the scrapbook and then glued them down. Next, I took the glitter and put it all around the pictures and edges. And i found some leftover ribbon in my craft box and added it on. I wrote a little description under each photo and then made a letter to go with the gift, now the last step was to wrap it and give it to Twinkle tomorrow afterschool. I just know she will love it! I beamed with happiness inside. I looked at the clock. Wow! 9:38 already?!I better get into bed, tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!

Stay Tuned for Chapter 10 :)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Chapter 8 :)

''I am going to make a friendship scrapbook!'' I finally blurted out. ''So mom can you bring me to the craft store so i can buy a scrapbook and some glitter?'' ''I want it to be perfect, i can already imagine the look of Twinkle's face when she see's it.'' ''Okay let's go.'' -Arrives at store- ''I'll be over here hurry and go find your items.'' ''okay.'' I bolted to the aisle where the scrapbook and glitter was. I found a Blue scrapbook which is Twinkle's FAVORITE color, i knew it was absolutly PERFECT! I grabbed the glitter and scurried back to the front of the store where my mom was waiting. ''I'm ready'' The scrapbook and glitter in total was $10.00 I was so exited to go home and get started . First when i got home i had to eat dinner and do homework. When i finally finished, I bolted up to my room and got started.

Stay tuned for Chapter 9 :)

Sunday 29 January 2012

Chapter 7 :)

 ''So were not going to be seeing each other anymore?'' Says Happy.
''Well we can email, call and video chat.'' Says Twinkle. ''How come you didn't tell me earlier that you were moving?'' ''I didn't know how to tell you.'' ''Why are you even moving?'' ''My dad got transferred to New York.'' ''When are you leaving?'' ''In 3 weeks.'' ''I'm going to miss you so much.'' ''Me too but hey you might be able to come visit me in the summer, or i can even visit you, don't worry, nothing could keep us apart.'' I couldn't help but smile. ''So you want to go over my house and help me pack my books and take down my posters?'' ''Okay lets go.'' I helped her take down all her posters and put them into a box but when i was grabbing for a book i checked the clock. ''WOW its already 6 i better head home it's almost dinner, I'll help you pack tomorrow afterschool.'' ''Okay thanks I'll see you tomorrow.'' ''Hey Twinkle is moving to New York in 3 weeks, what should i get her?'' But before mom could say anything i had the perfect idea. 

Stay Tuned for Chapter 8 :)

Saturday 28 January 2012

Chapter 6 :)

 ''What's going on?'' Asks Happy. ''Listen Happy I'll tell you when we go over your house today.'' The day seemed to go on forever, Lunch was nothing but slience. -Bell Rings- Finally i mutter to myself. I saw Twinkle and ran up to her. ''You ready to go?'' Ask Happy. ''Yea lets go.'' Once we walked in I pulled Twinkle to my room. ''So whats going on what was all that long distance relationship Mrs.Westerfield was talking about?'' Says Happy. There was a moment of silence until Twinkle bursted out and said ''I'm moving to New York.'' and tears began to fall from her eyes like Niagara Falls. ''Your your mmmoving??'' ''But but.'' And tears began to fall from my eyes too.

Stay Tuned for Chapter 7 :)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Chapter 5 :)

 ''Listen I'm really sorry that i got jelous it just made me feel unaccepted that you invited Queen and didn't tell me.'' Says Happy. ''It's okay I'm sorry that i didn't tell you that i was going to the mall with Queen, and that i said that we weren't friends anymore. I was just mad.'' Says Twinkle. ''It's okay.'' There was a moment of silence. ''So were friends again?'' Happy finally blurted out. ''You mean Best Friends!'' -hugs- ''Okay i have to go now I'm going to be late for dinner. Do you want to join me?'' ''No i can't i still didn't finish the Fraction homework yet.'' ''Okay bye.'' Happy leaves with a sigh of relief that everything turned out the way she expected it to. The next day at school everyone say a difference. ''So you guys are friends again?'' asks Mrs.Westerfield. ''Yea we made up.'' says Happy. ''So how are you guys going to keep a long distance relationship?'' asks Mrs.Westerfield. ''Long distance relationship what are you talking about?'' Asks Happy. ''Oh you didn't tell her did you?'' says Mrs.Westerfield.

Stay tuned for Chapter 6 :)

Chapter 4 :)

  When Happy walked in looking depressed look mom got worried. ''Happy what's wrong you look kind of sad.'' says mom. ''Me and Twinkle are in a fight and she thinks I'm jelous of her and Queen hanging out!'' Exclaims Happy. ''Well are you jelous?'' ''Well when i saw them at the mall together Saturday without me i did feel maybe just a little jelous.'' ''Listen Happy i just think that Twinkle likes to hang out with other friends as well as you.'' ''So your saying me and Twinkle can't be friends anymore?'' ''No not at all what i am saying is that you two can be friends but Twinkle might want to hang out with other friends also.'' ''Okay i get it. I feel so stupid now. I'm going to go apologize to Twinkle.'' ''Be back soon dinner starts in a hour.'' *Knocks* ''Hello Twinkle's mom can i please talk to Twinkle?'' ''Sure she's in her room.'' -Knocks on door- ''Go away!'' ''Listen we have to talk.'' ''Fine come in.''

Stay tuned for chapter 5 :)

Sunday 22 January 2012

Chapter 3 :)

'' Ok well every Saturday me and Twinkle always go to the mall and she went with Queen! That she said she hated!'' Exlaimed Happy. ''Twinkle is this true?'' asks Mrs.Westerfield. ''Well yes i only didn't tell Happy because i knew she would get mad and jelous.''  Says Twinkle. ''EXCUSE ME!?'' ''You think im jelous of you?'' Yells  Happy. '' Well it seemed that way when you ran out of the mall!'' says Twinkle. '' I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY THAT TO ME! '' yells Happy. '' I GUESS YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS! '' exclaims Happy. '' Fine. If that's what you want then were not friends anymore! '' says Twinkle. '' Why dont you just go play with Queen?'' ''Well maybe i will.'' Just then the bell rang. Leaving the classroom in silence. 

Stay Tuned for Chapter 4 :)

Friday 20 January 2012

Chapter 2! :)

 ''Twinkle''? ''Is that you''? asks Happy. ''Happy what are you doing here!'' says Twinkle ''I think the question is what are you doing here! with queen! You know we always go to the mall with each other on Saturdays!'' '' I know and im sorry.'' But before she could finish her sentence Happy ran away bursting into tears. '' Honey what's wrong! '' exclaims happy's mom. '' I WANNA GO HOME! '' The whole ride home was silence. Once they get home happy bolts to her room and slams the door. About an hour later i heard the doorbell ring i heard mom and Twinkle talking. A few minutes later i heard a knock on my door. '' Who is it?'' '' It's Twinkle listen can we talk?'' '' NO i don't ever want to see you again! GO AWAY! '' ''Fine i will leave i just want you to know im really sorry for what i did.'' The next day at school Happy avoided Twinkle the whole day. Even Mrs.Westerfield knew something was wrong. '' Happy and Twinkle please come to my desk.'' Mrs.Westerfield asked. ''Now whats going on between you to?'' It's all Twinkle's fault.'' Happy began.

Stay Tuned for Chapter 3!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Chapter 1 :)

One Saturday morning, Happy called up Twinkle to see if she wanted to go to the mall. But Twinkle didn't answer. So Happy just thought that her brother was using the phone and scurried on next door. *Knocks* Still no answer. That's strange Happy thought. Well maybe she went somewhere with her family Happy thought. ( Happy arrives at the mall ) ''Mom''? ''Can i have something to eat''? asked Happy. '' Sure sweetie''. Says mom. ( Happy walks over to the Subway Food Court. ) Until she notices Twinkle with Queen PrettyGirl from school standing with her! The most mean snobbiest girl from school ever. What was Twinkle doing with her? 

Stay tuned for chapter 2 :)

Monday 16 January 2012


        Happy SweetBunny and Twinkle BerrySpirit were best friend bunnies. They hung out with each other all the time! In school is one of the many! Did i mention they were neighbors!? So afterschool they would go over each others den! They do everything together from shopping to eating to sleeping! Sometimes they would even go over in the mornings and do each others hair exactly the same! They met in a game called Animal Jam till they realized that they were neighbors and became best friends. They like to have lots of fun and still like to be around with other friends. But don't get them wrong sometimes they even have there creative differences like any other friendship alive.

Stay Tuned For Chapter 1

Saturday 14 January 2012

New Blog!

Hey Everyone! Due to my 1,000 views this is my new blog Animal Jam Rain : Pouring Everything In Jamaa!

I would like to give a special thanks to Greatshot who helped me pick this name i got LOTS of GREAT idea's but this one was the one i liked best. This blog will be about tales and stories i will be posting a new story or tale every 2 to 3 days! So be on the look out!