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Sunday 29 April 2012

Contest Winner!

Well, the winner is... Tiggerkat!!!! Well sadly Tiggerkat was the only one who signed up.. It was pretty disappointing.. But i really want to thank Tiggerkat because Tiggerkat is a HUGE support to my blog. I always love reading her comments which are so nice.. Keep it up Tiggerkat! You rock! Your Prize is... A silver brick from Epic Wonders! Find me on AJ to claim your prize!! Also... -Hands BIGGEST reese's in world- 

Saturday 21 April 2012

New Contest!!

This contest is going to test your knowledge! And pretty random too... It's not really something you have to look for, you just have to use your mind to think.. It is a luck game.. Here it is.. You guys have to try to guess how many den items and clothing items i have ALL TOGETHER! Whoever comes to the closest answer wins! It starts from the moment you read this,you can guess twice and ONLY twice.. Whoever tries more then twice is disqulified.. The prize will be a mystery... But trust me its something good :D You have till April 29th to take two guesses... GOOD LUCK! 


Sunday 15 April 2012

Riddle Winner!

So, last week i put up a post saying i was going to have a contest to see who gives me the best riddle/joke. The winner is...... Tiggerkat!!! I loved the joke What's full of holes but still holds water? And the answer was a sponge! I also said there was going to be a mystery prize that prize is.. Candy Cane Lights,and a cup. Congrats!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Another New Follower!

Yay!!! I'm so happy!!! Were up to 14 followers now!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!! Love you guys!

Thursday 12 April 2012

New Follower!!

I got a new follower today!! YAY :D 13 followers now!!!! Whee hee!! Keep it up guys!

Saturday 7 April 2012


So i am going to have a contest! This contest is who can give me the best joke/riddle, and you must include the answer in the comments box, i will pick the joke/riddle i like best! This ends on Saturday April,14 2012. The winner will recieve a mystery prize.... GOOD LUCK!